A diver applying a protective marking solution to a bronze cannon on the Klein Hollandia protected wreck site. Credit: MSDS Marine/Martin Davies

For the first time in the UK, artefacts including cannons are being forensically marked underwater on some of the 57 Protected Wreck Sites in English waters which have the highest…

Captain Eric Forsyth sailed more than 320,000 miles during his life, most of them on board his Westsail 42, Fiona. Credit: Forsyth Family

Blue Water Medal winner Captain Eric Forsyth, who circumnavigated the world twice, and rounded Cape Horn four times in his yacht, Fiona, has died

The remains of a dinghy after a fire on board a yacht

The owner of a dinghy that caught fire while it was being stored onboard his yacht, is warning others to check cabin soles are kept clear of grease or oil