Practical Boat Owner experts answer your boat maintenance questions

A propeller removed from a boat

While changing his engine oil, Chris Mardon noticed milky oil in his saildrive. Will it have caused damage to the leg? Stu Davies has the answer


Alan Carter from Dunfermline writes: “I’m on the way to solving the problem of rusty innards in my old boat engine – something that afflicts the engines of many practical…

corrosion protection

Bob Williams writes: “During a recent chat at my sailing club questions were discussed about anodes, galvanic corrosion and earthing, sailing in salt water and then into fresh water. As…

Seacocks on a boat covered in a film

PBO reader Camilla Ransom has found a "strange film" on one of the boat's seacocks. What should she do? Surveyor Colin Brown has the answer

A raw water pump for a boat

PBO reader Clive Hathway has a leaking raw water pump. Should he buy a replacement or rebuild it? Stu Davies gives his advice