Would gas to liquid (GTL) fuel work better than diesel fuel? PBO's engine whisperer, Stu Davies ponders the question
Expert Answers
What’s the best way to change a pump impeller? Ask the experts
Oliver Chapple from Lincoln writes: “I have a very much loved 35ft Atlantic Ketch called Octopus, a splendid sea boat that has carried us safely to the Western Isles, Orkney,…
How can I improve fuel filter efficiency? Ask the experts
Kirk Forrest writes: “I’ve been considering how to improve the fuel filter system on my 45-year-old Fisher 25 motor-sailer which has a Beta 28 engine. I bought the boat about…
Why isn’t more being done about pot markers? Ask the experts
Graham Gibbs writes: “When will something be done about pot markers? On a cruise west from Gosport this May, I estimated that around 1% of pot markers met legal requirements.…
Why isn’t fuel pre-treated to prevent diesel bug? Ask the experts
Glynn Jones writes: “If I have understood the issue correctly, the addition by the oil industry of biodiesel to our boat fuel is the main reason that ‘diesel bug’ is…
Quiz a sailmaker – everything you need to know about sails
Whilst deciding what cut and sailcloth to chose for the PBO Project Boat, we quizzed technical manager Daryl Morgan from Bainbridge International – one of the world’s oldest sailcloth manufacturers…
Engine revs sliding away: PBO’s engine whisperer has the answer!
Phil Symonds is struggling to find out why the engine revs on his yacht keep falling away. PBO's Stu Davies has the answer
What’s the best way to clean an outboard? Ask the experts
Graeme Robinson writes: “At the end of the sailing season I always clean up my 5hp Yamaha outboard. One exercise is to run it through with fresh water, which I…
Can a phone with satellite connectivity replace an EPIRB?
Is a phone with satellite connectivity a good replacement for the EPIRB? PBO expert Rupert Holmes answers the question
How do you close the gap between the rudder and propeller?
Practical Boat Owner reader David Blackborow is trying to find out the best way to close the gap between the rudder and propeller on his boat
How to fix a leak in the marine engine cooling system
Stu Davies advises PBO reader Richard Jales how to solve a leak in his boat's marine engine cooling system
Will my old propeller work with a new engine?
Jerry Armitage is planning to replace his boat engine, but will the old propeller work? PBO expert Tony Davies has the answer
Is the old dynastart a good charger?
PBO reader Will Kerr has an old dynastart and wants to know if it will be able to charge his batteries. Stu Davies has the answer
Impeller cover o-rings
Where can I find replacements for discontinued impeller cover o-rings? PBO's engine expert, Stu Davies has some suggestions
Where is the best place to install a boat vent?
Where is the most effective place to install a boat vent? Surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies has some tips
Overcoating Coppercoat antifouling: ask the experts
What do I need to do when overcoating Coppercoat? The former technical manager for International Paint, Richard Jerram has the answer
Who owns a boat write-off?
Where does the responsibility for a boat write-off lie? RYA paralegal Lucy Rutter has the answer
Diesel shelf life and the infamous bug
Julian Orchard wants to know what the shelf life is for diesel and what he can do to prevent diesel bug. Stu Davies answers his question
What can I use to lubricate metal?
Colin Staples wants to know what is the best product to lubricate metal to keep his stiffened outboard bracket moving freely
How do I get rid of a mystery boat smell?
PBO reader Simon Bennett is struggling to get rid of a strange boat smell, which is permeating his clothing and his tools. Ben Sutcliffe-Davies answers his question