Nav in a nutshell: Shaping a course

GPS is not infallible, so it makes sense to know the basics of shaping a rough ‘course to steer’ on a paper chart, says Dick Everitt.

We delve into a plethora of sailing weather apps and websites in an attempt to discover which ones offer the most comprehensive detail and the best value

Sooner or later most cruising skippers are likely to be faced with having to raft up in a harbour. But it needn’t be a stressful experience...

How to make sure your emergency tiller is up to the job should your wheel steering fail at sea

Perceived wisdom is that if you fall overboard, staying tethered to the boat will keep you safe. But is that the case? PBO’s test team conduct some trials… with sobering…

how to tow alongside

Towing another boat in the confines of a harbour means that you'll need to set up a tow alongside. Here's how...