Towing astern

We examine the techniques of towing and setting up an astern tow at sea, trying out the textbook theories in practice

(C) Ben MEakins

In Pete Goss’ classic account of his Vendée Globe campaign, Close to the Wind, he tells the tale of a boat show encounter with a member of the public who…

Telltales: how they work, how to use them to steer a close-hauled course and how to interpret their behaviour

Cornish Shrimpers in Poole Week. Credit: David Harding/SailingScenes

With modern designs in the classic style becoming ever more popular, David Harding offers some tips on getting the best from a gaffer

An aide-memoire to using a handbearing compass, transits and bearings for quick and easy coastal pilotage

How to scull over the stern: Learn to propel your dinghy using a traditional skill that's still relevant today

Despite the accuracy offered by digital charting, updating electronic charts is a complicated process. Here's how to keep your electronic charts up to date

Lifeboat towing yacht

Imagine that the lifeboat is on the way to take you in tow. Do you sit and wait, in the knowledge that the lifeboat’s crew will assess the situation and…

Catching supper with hook and line is a pastime most yachtsmen will attempt at some time or other, but why do some fishermen enjoy more luck with the rod than…

What to do when you run aground

Whether you go to sea under power or sail, you'll almost certainly find yourself aground at some point in your on-water career. It’s one of the hazards of the sport…

New sails are a big investment – but are they worth it? The PBO team compared the old with the new on the project boat, Hantu Biru, as David Harding