Practical Boat Owner

Practical Boat Owner

Practical Boat Owner is a monthly magazine bringing you the latest boating news and expert practical advice.

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Engine maintenance is a mainstay of boat ownership but new technology has enabled the average boat owner to spend more time on sailing and less with his or her head…

Rubbish at sea that has washed up in a marina

It’s irresponsible to simply chuck rubbish overboard when at sea. So what do you do with it? Tom and Vicky Jackson have some answers

a depth transducer showing the water under the keel of a boat

Many makes of depth displays use a standard transducer such as those made by NASA, Airmar, B&G, Raymarine and other manufacturers worldwide. These work by transmitting and receiving a signal…

A woman solo sailing on a yacht

Andrew Blyth, who regularly sails his 9m Maurice Griffiths cutter single-handed, describes a selection of methods for dealing with tricky berthing and anchoring situations when single- or short-handed

A boat on a passage plan in the westcountry of the UK

Cruising guide author Robert Bailey explains the importance of not being completely dependent on electronic chartplotters and why it is still vital to make a passage plan

A man using a sextant for celestial navigation

Making a ‘mer pass’ observation is one of the simplest, yet most useful navigation tools for sailors to possess, explains Jay Renton