In the latest issue of PBO…
On the water, David Harding examines the requirements of the Recreational Craft Directive,how they are assessed and what they really mean in terms of a
boat’s safety, while Ben Meakins and I test the traditional tiller pilot against a modern, stabilised version.
If you single-hand or conduct long passages you’ll be familiar with how useful a pilot can be, but is it really worth spending nearly three times the money?
Our new practical series ‘View from the Boatyard’ tackles the tricky task of replacing rotted knees, while in our own workshop we fit the decks and gunwales to our project boat to make her as stiff as possible before we attempt to roll her over next month.
With that in view she looks enormous at the moment, but we know that once she floats she’ll be tiny.
However, with boats, as with magazines, size isn’t everything.
I hope you enjoy the issue.
Fair winds,
David Pugh

David Pugh, PBO editor
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Here’s a full list of the July 2017 issue’s contents
Clipper Race responds to publication of report into fatal accidents
The Marine Accident Investigation Branch has published its report into two fatal accidents in the 2015-16 edition of the Clipper…
Portsmouth Small Boat Channel update
Following some early observations, Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth have subtly revised the route of the Portsmouth Small Boat Channel.
Haven’t the foggiest – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
If you can navigate when you can’t see where you’re going, you’re a genius, says PBO columnist Dave Selby…
PBO tested – Autopilot technology: Cost vs complexity
RCD in practice: Testing a one-off to comply with the rules
JOG racing: Great adventures and the small boats that made them
Smarten your cockpit with plastic teak: Cockpit seats revitalised with Dek-King synthetic teak planking
PBO Project Boat 2: Planing the sheerline, fitting decks and gunwales
Repair your deck knees: Curing problems created by fresh water ingress
Convert your saloon berth to a double: Using IKEA slats to infill between bunks and create a double berth
Sleep & the single-hander: How to ensure a safe kip on passage
DIY restoration of a storm-struck yacht: How a wooden cruiser was brought back to life
Orkneys observation: Afloat with the Orkney Spinner 13 and Longliner 2
London to Pin Mill: The concluding part of Richard Hare’s Thames Estuary odyssey
Spring launch: PBO readers celebrate the start of another sailing season
A tense episode in Prime Suspect: A shakedown cruise turns nasty in the Bristol Channel
Wear pads made from a recycled pedal bin: PLUS more reader projects and tips
Gybing problems and solutions: More hints and tips from the PBO Sketchbook
Turkish delights: Cruising Turkey’s stunning Aegean coast
Traditional Norway: A celebration of the work of Kysten, Norway’s maritime coastal society
Waiting for the tide: The editor’s welcome to this month’s PBO – sign up for PBO’s free monthly e-newsletter at:
‘Mad about the Boat’ columnist Dave Selby: ‘Haven’t the foggiest…’
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: Outboard outrage
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: Pirates of the Caribbean… still?
PBO products and services: Books and plans from the PBO shop
New regular chandlery offers
News: Clipper Race fatality report… plus more
Regional news: New rules for Portsmouth… and more
New regular chandlery offers
Readers’ letters: Your views
Ask the experts: Cable connections, oil info, a corroding prop… and more
New gear: PBO looks at the latest marine products