Alex Bell and a PBO test team compare a variety of handheld lamps, meanwhile assessing LEDs versus incandescent bulbs, with some illuminating results
PBO Tested: Mirka Deros 650CV ‘dust- free’ sander
Dust-free sanding sounded too good to be true, but the Mirka Deros 650CV sander, priced from £340, makes it as dust-free as possible.
Pontos four-speed winches
A range of four-speed winches from Pontos is claimed to offer more speed for race boats and more power for cruisers – but do they deliver? David Harding finds out
Tiller locks tested
Being able to leave the helm for short periods of time is made much easier with something to hold the tiller for you. We compared three tiller locks for effectiveness,…
Sailing chartplotters: Exclusive first test!
Chart plotters and instruments have been around long enough that they’re now considered standard equipment on most boats. But sailors have had to take the functions offered with even the…
Which adhesive sealant is best?
Alex Bell and a PBO test team get stuck into a thorough trial of nine products to assess which adhesives and sealants bond best to aluminium, steel, acrylic and glassfibre
Non-skid deck cleaners tested
Which cleaning products are the most efficient at removing ingrained dirt from boat decks? PBO’s Ben Meakins tries out a selection from the chandlery shelves
Boat water tank treatments tested
The ‘tank taste’ you get from a boat’s fresh water tank can be pretty unpalatable, especially if you’re feeling seasick. Mostly this taste is disguised when used for cooking, but…
What to pack in a grab bag
No one wants to abandon ship, but a grab bag of essentials can make a short stay in a liferaft more bearable – and might even save your life
Lifejacket Lights on test
When was the last time you gave a second thought to your lifejacket light? They sit inside your packed lifejacket, largely neglected, and you hope they’ll work when you need…
6 Lifebuoy Lights tested
With the advent of cheaper LEDs, a number of new lifebuoy lights have appeared on the market. On a dark winter’s night PBO tested six of the most readily available…
Deck paints on test
With more than 7,000 visitors to the boatjumble, many of whom climbed our ramp, PBO readers’ feet must have caused more traffic in a day than many boat decks would…
Dripless shaft seals – PBO Buyer’s Guide
The once-ubiquitous stuffing-box stern gland still has much in its favour – it’s simple, tried-and-tested and easy to repair and service. But even a well-adjusted stuffing box should drip into…
The best dehumidifiers tested
Keeping dampness at bay from boat interiors is an ongoing battle: Alex Bell assesses nine dehumidifiers for efficiency, power consumption and portability
14 iPad and Android navigation apps tested
Gear test following an explosion in the number of marine navigation apps available for iPad and Android devices in the past few years.
How to make your jacket waterproof again – 7 products tested
PBO tests reproofing products
Budget oilskins on test
Impressive advances in technology mean we now expect a lot from even the cheapest of oilskins – but can the initial attraction of budget gear be dampened by a bucket…