Everyday electrics
Step-by-step guide to fitting a locker light PLUS a guide to using a multimeter
Cruising safety: 12 checks
How to audit safety kit, from PLBs to keelbolts
Bill Dixon boats
Profile of the early career of the prolific designer who made his name drawing Moody yachts
Hull of a job
Preparing, fairing and painting the glassfibre hull of a 50-year-old sea fisher
Fitting a new battery
Duncan Kent on what to think about before adding a battery
Sealing deck fittings
How to ensure your deck fittings don’t leak
Restoring a Rival
William Stanton takes a deep breath before committing to a 40-year-old Rival 34
How to prop up boats
Make the most of your home storage space to keep boats for free
Hebrides cruise
Sam Llewellyn sails from a boatyard in Skye to the lagoon at Ardinamir
Flotilla charter holiday
Not just for beginners: a group of sailing families go stress-free
Sailing the still waters of England’s biggest lake
Learning from experience
West Country cruise engine troubles for a new sailing couple
New Gear
High power alternator, an ultra-quiet dehumidifier and a dry bag tested
Time for a rethink on zinc?
Does it make economic sense to swap zinc anodes with aluminium?
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Columnist Sam Llewellyn: All that noise
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Regional news: UK’s first national marine park… and more
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Ask the experts: MOB recovery concern, foamy oil is a worry in 1GM10 motor… and more