With the eye-watering cost of teak, Andy Pag decides to lay bargain EVA foam decking in the cockpit of his catamaran
Andy Pag

Boat hatch replacement: fixing a cracked lens
Andy Pag avoids a big bill to replace a hatch lens in the saloon
Boat lightning strike checklist
The odds of your boat being struck by lightning are low in the UK, but it does happen. Andy Pag shares his lightning strike checklist
What is inside your liferaft?
Short of time to get their liferaft professionally serviced, Andy and Julie Pag decide to carry out an inspection themselves
Cleaning with acid and its uses onboard
Applying corrosive acid to magically clean or loosen a boat part sounds tempting - but caution is required, as Andy Pag advises
Boat fibreglass repair: a beginner’s guide
No need to fear GRP repairs with these helpful tips from Andy Pag
Spinnaker repair: how to do it yourself
Andy Pag saves thousands of pounds on a replacement by mending his shredded sail himself using a domestic sewing machine
Repairing a broken boat wind generator
Andy Pag takes apart a Rutland WG1200 turbine to see if he can get it turning smoothly again
Can I rebuild a Spectra watermaker?
Andy Pag attempts to rebuild a Spectra watermaker on a budget
In-water hull cleaning: one sailor’s tips
Andy Pag takes the plunge to clean his boat’s dirty bottom while afloat
DIY lithium battery: 2 years on, my homemade setup has passed test of time
All our energy needs, for two of us, living full-time aboard Cushla for the past two years have been met by the lithium battery bank I assembled from individual lithium…