A dog on a dinghy

Zoe Barlow and husband Martyn quit their jobs for a liveaboard adventure on their Sun Odyssey 40 with their dog, Ralph. They share their tips for sailing with a dog

OLAS Tag man overboard safety devices can be attached to wristbands or buoyancy aids worn by a man and attached to a dog via its buoyancy aid

If your canine crew is selected as our Seadog of the Month star in Practical Boat Owner magazine, your dog will win an OLAS Tag man-overboard device from Exposure Marine…

May the Standard Poodle

Standard Poodle May claimed a coveted 'Seadog of the Month' slot in Practical Boat Owner magazine – and now she's using her buoyancy aid prize on a circumnavigation of Britain

Coco and Kiki ready for a Scottish voyage on Hurley 22, 'Inca' Craig Pagett

Contact us and Send us your seadog photos for our web gallery and your pet may be lucky enough to become Seadog of the Month in the magazine to win…

Mowgli - PBO Seadog of the month - Jan 07

Seadogs (and cats) sent in by PBO readers. Take a look at some of the cutest pets on board in our ever-growing gallery