Build a 14ft skiff
Free plans for building your own Nigel Irens 14-footer
Passage planning basics
In the age of GPS John Scott shares his simple and logical system for passage planning on paper
Used boat test: Scanmar 40
If you’re moving up from a classic design like the Contessa 32, this Swedish sporty forty is worth a look
Yacht design by decade
Rupert Holmes on the most influential boats of the 1970s, plus how the Fastnet disaster and IOR changed yacht design forever
Restoring a lugger
Peter Pan was a sorry sight before restoration work began
Lithium 12V battery test
PBO exclusive: a dozen 60-120Ah lithium batteries with integral charge monitoring compared
Post-war project boats
An 87-year-old recalls how Swallows and Amazons inspired three project boats and a life on the water
Charter holiday special
A 24-page destination planner: visit an exotic port, try sailing a different boat or just enjoy a luxury break
Golden Globe lessons
How self-steering, rig failure and barnacles decided this solo round the world race
Perilously off-track
David Sloan discovers that a simple navigational error turned his parents’ Channel hop into a near disaster
Foreshore foraging
How to find incredible edibles: samphire, sea beet and more!
Boarding ladder repair
How to fix a boarding ladder using recycled plastic ‘wood’
Practical Projects
PBO readers’ tips for galley rails and an impeller extractor
PBO Sketchbook
Fit a cockpit table for comfort. Dick Everitt’s illustrated guide
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‘Mad about the Boat’ columnist Dave Selby: On course for jail
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: First steps
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: Looking back to the future
Columnist Marsali Taylor: Some foul work
PBO products and services: Books and plans from the PBO shop
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News: Jean-Luc Van Den Heede wins the Golden Globe Race… and more
Regional news: New Guernsey marine centre… and more
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Readers’ letters: Your views
Ask the experts: Cracked mast repair query, crusty windows and lifting paint problem