
Yachtsman Peter Howell, who sails Sundowner, has contacted PBO to warn fellow readers of lock restrictions at the River Vilaine at Arzal, Southern Brittany

Deganwy Marina

Deganwy Marina, one of the most modern marinas in North Wales is being offered for sale by The Crown Estate, with a guide price of £2,500,000.

RTIR_In 2013, photographer Ian Roman captured the vast Round the Island Race fleet rounding of The Needles.jpg

The annual Round the Island Race will be be taking place bright and early tomorrow, with 1,342 yachts expected to sail around the Isle of Wight.

Maurice Phillips on his boat Blue Diamond, a Hunter Channel 31

PBO and the RYA have received a report from a yachtsman fined €500 for having traces of red diesel in his fuel tank following a Belgian Customs inspection.