PBO TESTED – Ultrasonic antifouling: Four units, one season: did they do the job?
How to get the best power from solar: Choosing the right solar panels and regulators for your boat
PBO TESTED – Old sails v new sails: Why spend the extra? We test the difference
PBO Project Boat – Fitting new electrics: Cables, breakers and switches are all in a day’s work when rewiring a boat
PBO TESTED – 16 ventilators: Fresh air below decks
24-27ft cruisers: Second-hand boats at budget prices
Epoxy coating and painting techniques: Completing repairs to a Mirror dinghy using this versatile material
Rescued from a wreck – DIY wooden boat resto: A novice sailor describes his labour of love on a 30ft wooden cruiser
PLUS – Top mods for single-handers: A two-time solo Atlantic racer explains how he modified his boat to face the conditions
Heave to with a self-tacker: …and stop a windlass chain jumping, PLUS more projects and tips
Maintaining boat buoyancy: Invaluable hints and tips from the PBO Sketchbook
Sailing a Red Fox: A reader explains how asymmetric daggerboards can assist performance
New boats at the London show: PBO previews some of the boats to be seen at January’s London Boat Show
Tack-fest on the Hamble: A sailing couple evade trouble on a narrow, busy river when their engine fails
Sailing into Honfleur: .A picturesque, convenient port from which to take the Seine up to Rouen and Paris
Entering foreign ports: Advice for long-distance sailors who have to deal with the world’s port authorities
Winter in the Shetland Isles: Fascinating sailing waters at 60° north
Waiting for the tide: PBO editor David Pugh welcomes you to the magazine – sign up for David’s free monthly e-newsletter at: http://emails.ipcmedia.co.uk/YBW_webcross
Columnist Dave Selby: One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: Getting in a flap under a tent in an open boat
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: The ups and downs of a tourist submarine
PBO subscription offer
PBO products and services
News: £5.5million RYA payout for powerboat injury boy, Route du Rhum honours for Sir Robin, London show shakeup… and more
Regional news: Ferry-obstructing yachtsman fined, new marina planned for Bantry Harbour, search for missing sailor… and more
Readers’ letters: your views
Ask the experts: Tackling water in an engine, replacing corroded keel bolt nuts – plus more reader queries answered
New gear: PBO examines new products on display at the Marine Equipment Trade Show. PLUS last-minute Christmas gift ideas – festive fare for the sailing fraternity