
01852 500222


Loch Shuna, Kilmelford, PA31 8UA


Craobh Marina: Come and enjoy the world’s finest cruising grounds from the safety of Craobh Marina, located north of the Crinan Canal near Loch Melfort. All weather 24hr access to sheltered secure pontoons accommodating vessels up to 40mtrs. For full details contact the Marina reception by phone or email or indeed call in to view our facilities and fantastic outlook. A west coast welcome awaits you.

Craobh Marina

Click on the picture to find the interactive Navionics chart

Marina group: Holt Leisure Group
Berth depth (MLWS): 15m
Approach depth (MLWS): 3.5m
Access restrictions: none
VHF channel(s): 37,80
Toilets: Y
Showers: Y
Laundry: Y
WiFi: Y
Diesel: Y
Petrol: N
Gas: Y
Lift-out: 30 tonnes
Chandlery: Y
Café/Restaurant: Y
Shop: Y
TYHA member: N/A
TransEurope member: N
Number of berths: >250
Average price per metre: £329.00
Discounts available: N
Harbour dues included: Y
Water: Y
Power: Y
Parking per day: £0.00