Here’s PBO’s guide to preparing for, choosing and using antifouling paints
Why plywood boats are making a comeback
A wonder material in the 1950s and 1960s, plywood is making a comeback. Rupert Holmes analyses what lies behind a new wave of plywood boats
What’s the best way to change a pump impeller? Ask the experts
Oliver Chapple from Lincoln writes: “I have a very much loved 35ft Atlantic Ketch called Octopus, a splendid sea boat that has carried us safely to the Western Isles, Orkney,…
How can I improve fuel filter efficiency? Ask the experts
Kirk Forrest writes: “I’ve been considering how to improve the fuel filter system on my 45-year-old Fisher 25 motor-sailer which has a Beta 28 engine. I bought the boat about…
Boat berth: forepeak conversion
Richard Rogers rethinks his twin V-berths to double configuration ‘without that annoying triangular insert’ aboard his Morgan Giles 30
Soldering boat wire: joints and connections
Oliver Ballam and Pat Manley demystify boat electrics and explain the best techniques for soldering and de-soldering connections
The 17ft trailer-sailer preparing to cross the Atlantic
A 17ft trailer-sailer rescued from the nettles is preparing to cross the Atlantic. Poppet, a 50-year-old Leisure 17 is owned by marine surveyor and electrician John-Kenenth (JK) Habbershaw who, together…
Winterising a boat: 61 point checklist
PBO experts offer their top tips for winterising a boat, helping to keep your vessel and gear in good condition over the colder months
Why isn’t more being done about pot markers? Ask the experts
Graham Gibbs writes: “When will something be done about pot markers? On a cruise west from Gosport this May, I estimated that around 1% of pot markers met legal requirements.…
Inflatable boat valve replacement: step by step
A failed inner valve could spell the end of an inflatable tender – but Jake Frith has a fix
How to build a boat: Essential guide to building your first kit boat
You don’t have to be a boatbuilder to learn how to build a boat, argue Roger Nadin and Polly Robinson. Here is their guide to building your first kit boat…
Fitting a UV light water filtration system
Kerry and Fraser Buchanan install a UV light water filtration system to make the tank water stored on their Barbican 33 more palatable
Boat modifications: how to design changes for your yacht
Yacht designer Ian Nicolson explains how to make changes to living space on board
Boat certification: Do I need my vessel re-certified?
Surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies gives his advice on the implications to be considered when refitting or making major modifications to your boat
How to fit your own Raymarine autopilot
Gilbert Park shows how he installed a new Raymarine autopilot on his Trusty T23 motorboat
What to consider when restoring a boat write-off
Surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies has advice on how to avoid the major pitfalls when contemplating restoring a boat write-off
Giving a blown-up Seadog a new lease of life
Max Liberson adopts a down at heel Seadog – blown up in a gas explosion – and decides to give the boat a new lease of life
Rebuilding a damaged mast step
Rupert Holmes repairs a compressed water-damaged mast step – a common problem for boats with a deck-stepped mast - and saves £700
Diesel engine heat exchanger and manifold repair
Barry Pickthall explains how he carried out engine repairs on a budget after a couple of years of Covid-19 lockdown neglect
Understanding electrics: insulating & signal wire connectors
Oliver Ballam and Pat Manley demystify boat electrics and explain various types of electrical connectors and their uses on board