Richard Rogers

Richard Rogers

Richard Rogers and Alice Sanger lived aboard a Beneteau Oceanis 411 in central London between November 2010 and April 2018, during which they learned to sail, mostly in Essex and Kent. They plan to sail to cold and remote places in Aurora, their Morgan Giles 30, to explore ashore and wander in the mountains they find there.

They’re based in north-west Scotland, so at some point will sail Aurora home from her current location in Essex, where she is being rebuilt with the help of J-Star Marine Services at Walton-on-the-Naze.

A double boat bunk made out of wood

Richard Rogers rethinks his twin V-berths to double configuration ‘without that annoying triangular insert’ aboard his Morgan Giles 30

A orange hull of a boat

Richard Rogers explains how to insulate the hull of a small yacht for high latitudes sailing to cold, remote and beautiful places