Marina visitors’ price guide: 302 visitor berth facilities and prices compared
Short-handed sail handling: Tips to hoist, drop and reef your sails without crew
PBO tested – 10 jump starter packs: Which is best at getting your engine started if your battery is flat?
Repairing a Volvo heat exchanger: Mending a bodged repair at less than half the price of a new outer casing
Made-to-measure DIY cockpit cushions: You too can be comfortably better off by improving your cockpit seating
DC-DC converters for dimming and charging: Make a dimmer control and a trickle-charge regulator from cheaply-priced circuits
Getting the Maxi: Inspiring performance from the pen of Pelle Petterson
PBO Project Boat – Making new engine bearers: Fitting them to the hull shape, then aligning and glassing them in place
PBO tested – Cornish Shrimper 21: How to follow one of the biggest success stories in UK boatbuilding
New vs old autopilots: Is an upgrade worth the money?
Key responses: Quick thinking and teamwork save a man overboard in Key West, Florida
Sticky situations – Experienced mariner Sticky Stapylton shares some handy seamanship tips
French canal guide: Part two of our exploration of an inland waterway cruise circuit in rural France
1,200 miles in an inflatable: A demonstration of the convenience and versatility of Zodiac Cadet tenders
Interesting Ithaca!: A reader loses himself in one of the windiest places in the Ionian
Build a clip-on cockpit table: PLUS more reader projects and tips
A swing-up engine bracket: …For a 5hp outboard in a well
Using a circular saw: How to get best results and stay safe
Poling out headsails: Hints and tips from the PBO Sketchbook
Waiting for the tide: PBO editor David Pugh welcomes you to the magazine – sign up for David’s free monthly e-newsletter at: http://emails.ipcmedia.co.uk/YBW_webcross
‘Mad about the Boat’ columnist Dave Selby: The art of practical boat moanership
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: Item one: compiling lists prior to sailing
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: Bags of trouble
PBO products and services: Books and plans from the PBO Shop
News: Update on use of marked ‘red’ diesel in private pleasure craft… and more
Regional news: South Coast wind farm gets green light, Lough Derg Marina up for sale… and more
Readers’ letters: your views
Ask the experts: Change the cutless bearing in a P-bracket, plus more reader queries answered
New gear: PBO looks at the latest marine products