
01631 566555


Dunstaffnage Bay, Dunbeg, Oban, PA37 1PX


Dunstaffnage Marina: The Marina has excellent facilities and provides a unique range of services, with 200 fully serviced berths that are able to accommodate visiting yachts or motor vessels of all sizes. We have just installed 184m concrete pontoon designed specifically for vessels in excess of 25.

Also on-site is the renowned Wide Mouthed Frog Restaurant, which is the social hub of the Marina, and includes the acclaimed restaurant, a family bistro and friendly bar. Bookings for tables or accommodation can be taken whether you are afloat or ashore.

Dunstaffnage Marina
Click on the image for an interactive Navionics chart of the approaches to Dunstaffnage Marina

Marina group:
Berth depth (MLWS): 7m
Approach depth (MLWS): 5m
Access restrictions:
VHF channel(s): 37
Toilets: Y
Showers: Y
Laundry: Y
WiFi: Y
Diesel: Y
Petrol: <
Gas: Y
Lift-out: 40 tonnes
Chandlery: Y
Café/Restaurant: Y
Shop: Y
TYHA member: 5 Gold Anchors
TransEurope member: N
Number of berths: 250
Average price per metre: £2.50
Discounts available: N
Harbour dues included: Y
Water: Y
Power: Y
Parking per day: Not known