Stewart Graham recovering well in hospital in Penang

Founder of Scottish chandlery Gael Force, Stewart Graham, has broken his back during his round the world voyage on his Discovery 67, Rhiann Marie.

Mr Graham was thrown off a motorbike in Langkawi, Malaysia, and landed across the broken branch of a tree on the ground. He was transferred to hospital in Penan by ferry and ambulance, where he is recovering after an operation an operation to fit two rods and eight screws in his spine.

Blogging from his hospital bed, he wrote: “I can still walk and talk so I can get on with the work which I have to do. I always think that if you can either walk or talk there is some work you can do. The fact that I can do both gives me no excuse! So keep these business emails coming!”

 You can keep up with the log of his trip on his MailaSail blog.