
01621 869202


Tollesbury, CM9 8SE

Tollesbury Marina: A 4 Gold Anchor award-winning marina with 250 berths on modern pontoons with water and electricity, modern safety features & lighting yet traditional waterside atmosphere. Built in 1970 and surrounded by countryside with easy access to the river Blackwater (West Mersea, Osea Island, Maldon & Bradwell) and good road access to London & Ipswich.
Harbour View Bistro & Bar, Club with restaurant, bar, heated swimming pool and two tennis courts on site are included within mooring fees.

Tollesbury Marina

Click on the picture to find the interactive Navionics chart

Marina group:
Berth depth (MLWS): 2m
Approach depth (MLWS): 0m
Access restrictions: Sill
VHF channel(s): 37,80
Toilets: Y
Showers: Y
Laundry: Y
WiFi: Y
Diesel: Y
Petrol: N
Gas: Y
Lift-out: 20 tonnes
Chandlery: Y
Café/Restaurant: Y
Shop: Y
TYHA member: 4 Gold Anchors
TransEurope member: Y
Number of berths: 250
Average price per metre: £275.00
Discounts available: Y
Harbour dues included: Y
Water: Y
Power: Y
Parking per day: £0.00